I didn’t go to university, which is a very different path than most.

Emily Trenouth - Head of Influencer Marketing


Tell us about your work

I’m the Head of Influencer Marketing for MediaCom, the UK’s largest Media agency. My role is to strategize & lead our offering for MediaCom’s clients in the UK & Worldwide, which is no small task!

I joined 10 months ago and am loving the challenge. It's a busy role with a lot of responsibility and spinning plates, which I really thrive off. No two days are the same, as we work with all of MediaCom’s clients in strategizing and activating exciting Influencer Campaigns, to support their wider media plans.

What fuels your ambition [to do this work]?

When I was growing up, I was obsessed with magazines, and the “Influencers” that were showcased in Magazines were completely unrelatable celebrities, like Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss.

Now, thanks to platforms like Facebook & YouTube, we have millions of role models to follow and aspire to be like - who represent every shape, size, hair colour, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, which I think is really cool, and so important for our younger generation.

What inspires me to work in this growing industry, is that we now have the opportunity to champion true diversity in wider media campaigns like TV & Outdoor, which is why I’m so excited to work for MediaCom, where we can integrate multiple channels under the same roof.

Alongside this, the industry has boomed over the last decade and it’s ever changing nature is really fun to be a part of. We’ve come to a point where more and more consumers are trusting influencers more than the brands they buy from, and I’m dedicated to proving the effectiveness of Influencers vs. traditional marketing channels.

Who do you look up to in your respective industry and why?

There are so many talented individuals and young entrepreneurs in my industry that it’s really hard to pinpoint one! However, there are a number of influencers who have evolved into successful business women which I find super inspiring, some of my favourites include Grace Beverley, Kayla Itsines, Melissa’s Wardrobe, Tash Oakley and Marianna Hewitt.

What advice would you give to other young women looking to pursue a similar path to you?

Firstly, I would say that no two paths are the same, and to enjoy the process of the individual journey that you’re on. I didn’t go to University, which is a very different path than most, but found that by combining my strongest skills with my passion, I’ve been able to carve out a career path that I love and enjoy.

However, here are my general tips for success that I stand by:

  • Take everyone else’s advice with a pinch of salt, and if you really believe in your chosen path, do whatever it takes to make it work for you.

  • Always build your network before you need it, and make sure you surround yourself with good people who share your values.

  • Say yes to everything you possibly can in your early career, you never know what a conversation could lead to later in life.

  • Take the rest that you need from time to time, we can’t always function at 110% and our mental health and wellbeing is so critical to our performance.

  • Remember that we are constantly a work in progress, at every stage of our career. So enjoy the process that you’re on and be patient.

What does a typical day look like in the life of Emily?

I try to work out most mornings, before looking at my phone or laptop, which sets me up for the day and makes me feel focussed and energized. I usually write my to-do list first thing, and then check in with my team to see what support they need from me during the day.

From there, my days are filled with a combination of calls, meetings, presentations and speaking events. I love connecting with people and making great ideas happen, however sometimes the ‘busy-ness’ of my diary means that I don’t get the time to do real ‘deep work’ until later in the evenings.

I actively try to do a few small things that will make me feel good each day, to give me something I can look forward to - whether it’s cooking a nice meal, FaceTiming a friend, listening to a podcast or just going for a walk. I’ve recently taken up Tennis - which I’m admittedly terrible at, but I love the act of putting my phone away and spending time outdoors. Due to the nature of my job, I’m constantly online, which isn’t good for me in the long run, so those short breaks away from my phone are super important for me to feel happy and perform at my best.


I love giving new talent a bit of publicity to showcase their work - that kind of representation can motivate an aspiring reader.


We need more platforms that provide tools on how to cope when we are finding issues in our personal lives difficult to deal with.